var _scq = _scq || []; _scq.push(['setMerchantId', '12D8881D7C403C3D']); var _scwebpersonalization = _scwebpersonalization || {"wp_merchant_id":"1FF368A93FBCED8A","default_config":{"customer_id":"1002560460","sentry_enabled":false,"eu_only":true,"rank_based_sorting_on_ui":true,"dcache_enabled_for_all_visitors":true,"spa_support":false,"use_legacy_content_service":false}}; var ScarabArrays = function() { var forEach = function(array, fn, scope) { if (Array.prototype.forEach) { return array.forEach(fn, scope); } for (var i = 0, len = array.length;i < len;++i) {, array[i], i, this); } }; var map = function(array, projectionFunction) { if ( { return; } var results = []; forEach(array, function(itemInArray, i) { results.push(projectionFunction(itemInArray, i)); }); return results; }; var findIndex = function(array, predicateFunction) { if (Array.prototype.findIndex) { return array.findIndex(predicateFunction); } for (var i = 0, l = array.length;i < l;i++) { if (predicateFunction(array[i])) { return i; } } return -1; }; var flatmap = function(array, projectionFunction) { return [].concat.apply([], map(array, projectionFunction)); }; var filter = function(array, predicateFunction) { if (Array.prototype.filter) { return array.filter(predicateFunction); } var results = []; forEach(array, function(itemInArray) { if (predicateFunction(itemInArray)) { results.push(itemInArray); } }); return results; }; return {forEach:forEach, map:map, flatmap:flatmap, filter:filter, findIndex:findIndex}; }(); var ScarabUtil = function() { var makeDisableFunction = function(moduleConfig, w) { w = w || window; var disabledDefs = moduleConfig && (moduleConfig.disabledDefs || moduleConfig.config && moduleConfig.config.disabledDefs) || {}; var disabledType = disabledDefs.type; var disabledPatterns = disabledDefs.patterns || []; var alwaysEnabled = function() { return false; }; if (disabledType === "customFunction") { return function() { var fn = moduleConfig && moduleConfig.customDisabled || alwaysEnabled; return fn.apply(w, arguments); }; } if (disabledType === "urlDoesNotContain") { return function() { return ScarabArrays.filter(disabledPatterns, function(blockPath) { return w.location.href.indexOf(blockPath) !== -1; }).length > 0; }; } return alwaysEnabled; }; var prettyPrice = function(nStr) { nStr += ""; var x = nStr.split("."); var x1 = x[0]; var x2 = x.length > 1 ? "." + x[1] : ""; var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (rgx.test(x1)) { x1 = x1.replace(rgx, "$1" + " " + "$2"); } return x1 + x2; }; var redirect = function(link, merchant, item, feature, cohort) { return "" + merchant + "/?v=" + encodeURIComponent("i:" + item + ",t:" + feature + ",c:" + cohort) + "&redirect_to=" + encodeURIComponent(link); }; var sc_params = function(link, feature, cohort) { return appendParams(link, {sc_feature:feature, sc_cohort:cohort}); }; var addTrackingParams = function(SC, params) { return merge(params, {sc_feature:SC.recommender.f, sc_cohort:SC.cohort}); }; var appendParams = function(uri, params) { var paramsArray = []; for (var name in params) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(name) && typeof params[name] !== "undefined") { paramsArray.push({n:name, v:params[name]}); } } if (paramsArray.length === 0) { return uri; } var paramsString =, b) { return a.n.localeCompare(b.n); }), function(p) { return p.n + "=" + encodeURIComponent(p.v); }).join("&"); var fragmentIndex = uri.indexOf("#"); var fragment = ""; if (fragmentIndex >= 0) { fragment = uri.substring(fragmentIndex); uri = uri.substring(0, fragmentIndex); } var sep = uri.indexOf("?") >= 0 ? "&" : "?"; return uri + sep + paramsString + fragment; }; var parseQuery = function(query) { query = query.substring(1); var queryString = {}; var vars = query.split("&"); for (var i = 0;i < vars.length;i++) { if (vars[i] === "") { continue; } var pair = vars[i].split("="); var key = pair[0]; var value = pair.length > 1 ? pair[1] : ""; try { var paramValue = decodeURIComponent(value.replace(/\+/g, "%20")); if (typeof queryString[key] === "undefined") { queryString[key] = paramValue; } else { if (typeof queryString[key] === "string") { var arr = [queryString[key], paramValue]; queryString[key] = arr; } else { queryString[key].push(paramValue); } } } catch (err) { } } return queryString; }; var parseQueryString = function(w) { w = w || window; if (!w || !w.location || ! || === "") { return {}; } return parseQuery(; }; var parseHashString = function(w) { w = w || window; if (!w || !w.location || !w.location.hash || w.location.hash === "") { return {}; } return parseQuery(w.location.hash); }; var getCookie = function(name) { var value = getCookieWithoutCrazyness(name); if (value === null) { return []; } return JSON.parse(value); }; var hasCookie = function(name) { return getCookieWithoutCrazyness(name) !== null; }; var getCookieWithoutCrazyness = function(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(";"); for (var i = 0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) === " ") { c = c.substring(1, c.length); } if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) === 0) { var value = decodeURIComponent(c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length)); return value; } else { if (name === c) { return ""; } } } return null; }; var topDomainToCookie = function(domain) { if (domain === "localhost") { return ""; } var td = getTopDomain(domain); return "domain=" + td; }; var getTopDomain = function(domain) { var ipPattern = /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/; if (ipPattern.test(domain)) { return domain; } var dparts = domain.split("."); var l = dparts.length; var partsToKeep = Math.min(l, 2); if (l > 2 && ("co" === dparts[l - 2] || "com" === dparts[l - 2] || "azurewebsites" === dparts[l - 2] && "net" === dparts[l - 1]) || "cloudfront" === dparts[l - 2] && "net" === dparts[l - 1]) { partsToKeep = 3; } return "." + dparts.slice(l - partsToKeep).join("."); }; var merge = function() { var i, l = arguments.length, result = {}, o, k; for (i = 0;i < l;i++) { o = arguments[i]; if (o) { for (k in o) { if (o.hasOwnProperty(k)) { result[k] = o[k]; } } } } return result; }; var indexOf = function(array, searchElement, fromIndex) { if (Array.prototype.indexOf) { return array.indexOf(searchElement, fromIndex); } var k; if (array == null) { throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined'); } var O = Object(array); var len = O.length >>> 0; if (len === 0) { return -1; } var n = +fromIndex || 0; if (Math.abs(n) === Infinity) { n = 0; } if (n >= len) { return -1; } k = Math.max(n >= 0 ? n : len - Math.abs(n), 0); while (k < len) { if (k in O && O[k] === searchElement) { return k; } k++; } return -1; }; var isNaN; if (!Number.isNaN) { isNaN = function(n) { return n !== n; }; } else { isNaN = Number.isNaN; } var indexOfItem = function(array, needle, id) { var i, l; if (!array || array && !array.length) { return -1; } l = array.length; for (i = 0;i < l;i++) { if (typeof needle === "string") { if (typeof array[i] !== "undefined" && array[i][id] === needle) { return i; } } else { if (typeof array[i] !== "undefined" && needle.equal(array[i])) { return i; } } } return -1; }; var deepCopy = function(source, target) { target = target || {}; for (var i in source) { if (!source.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; } if (source[i] !== null && typeof source[i] === "object") { target[i] = source[i].constructor === Array ? [] : {}; deepCopy(source[i], target[i]); } else { target[i] = source[i]; } } return target; }; var augment = function() { var i, l = arguments.length, f, cf = arguments[0]; for (i = 1;i < l;i++) { f = arguments[i];; } }; var bind = function(fn, context) { return function() { var f = fn, c = context; f.apply(c, arguments); }; }; var trim = function(str) { return !!String.prototype.trim ? str.trim() : str.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, ""); }; var playQueue = function(publicAPI, queue) { var Queue = function(queue) { if (!(queue instanceof Array)) { if (queue instanceof Queue) { return; } throw new SyntaxError("Scarab Queue is not an array"); } for (var i = 0;i < queue.length;++i) { this.push(queue[i]); } }; Queue.prototype.push = function() { for (var i = 0;i < arguments.length;++i) { var commandArray = arguments[i]; if (!(commandArray instanceof Array) && commandArray.length > 0) { throw new SyntaxError("command should be a non-empty array: " + commandArray); } var command = commandArray[0]; var params = []; for (var j = 1;j < commandArray.length;++j) { params.push(commandArray[j]); } if (publicAPI.hasOwnProperty(command)) { publicAPI[command].apply(null, params); } else { throw new SyntaxError("unknown command: " + command); } } }; return new Queue(queue); }; var getProductCategory = function(product, lang) { if (!product || !product.category) { return null; } return product["category_" + lang] || product["c_category_" + lang]; }; var findLocalizedTopic = function(product, topic, language) { if (!language) { return topic; } var productCat = getProductCategory(product, language); if (!productCat || !topic) { return ""; } var indx = ScarabArrays.findIndex(product.category.split("|"), function(category) { return category.indexOf(topic) === 0; }); if (indx === -1) { return ""; } var locCategories = productCat.split("|"); var locCategory = locCategories[Math.min(indx, locCategories.length - 1)]; var topicSpec = topic.split(">").length; var locCategoryLevels = locCategory.split(">"); return locCategoryLevels.length === topicSpec ? locCategory : locCategoryLevels.slice(0, topicSpec).join(">"); }; var keys = function(obj) { var object = Object(obj); if (!Object.keys) { var keys = []; if (typeof obj === "string") { for (var i = 0;i < object.length;i++) { keys.push("" + i); } } else { for (var key in object) { if (, key)) { keys.push(key); } } } return keys; } return Object.keys(object); }; var isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) { return === "[object Array]"; }; var isObject = function(obj) { return Object(obj) === obj && !isArray(obj); }; var containsPrimitivesOnly = function(obj) { var isPrimitive = function(value) { var type = typeof value; return type === "string" || type === "number" || type === "boolean" || value === null; }; var hasOnlyPrimitiveProperties = function(obj) { var props = keys(obj); for (var i = 0, length = props.length;i < length;i++) { var property = props[i]; if (, property) && !isPrimitive(obj[property])) { return false; } } return true; }; return isObject(obj) && hasOnlyPrimitiveProperties(obj); }; var isEmpty = function(obj) { return keys(obj).length === 0; }; var createCORSRequest = function createCORSRequest(method, url) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; if ("withCredentials" in xhr) {, url, true); return xhr; } else { return null; } }; var createJSONPRequest = function createJSONPRequest(url, callbackName, jsonpStem) { if (window.ScarabTrustIssues) { return; } url = url + "&callback=" + callbackName; if (callbackName === "") { var i = new Image; i.src = url; } else { var s = document.createElement("script"); s.src = url; = (jsonpStem || "scarab-jsonp") + "-" + callbackName; s.type = "text/javascript"; s.charset = "UTF-8"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s); } }; var CryptoJS = CryptoJS || function(e, m) { var p = {}, j = p.lib = {}, l = function() { }, f = j.Base = {extend:function(a) { l.prototype = this; var c = new l; a && c.mixIn(a); c.hasOwnProperty("init") || (c.init = function() { c.$super.init.apply(this, arguments); }); c.init.prototype = c; c.$super = this; return c; }, create:function() { var a = this.extend(); a.init.apply(a, arguments); return a; }, init:function() { }, mixIn:function(a) { for (var c in a) { a.hasOwnProperty(c) && (this[c] = a[c]); } a.hasOwnProperty("toString") && (this.toString = a.toString); }, clone:function() { return this.init.prototype.extend(this); }}, n = j.WordArray = f.extend({init:function(a, c) { a = this.words = a || []; this.sigBytes = c != m ? c : 4 * a.length; }, toString:function(a) { return (a || h).stringify(this); }, concat:function(a) { var c = this.words, q = a.words, d = this.sigBytes; a = a.sigBytes; this.clamp(); if (d % 4) { for (var b = 0;b < a;b++) { c[d + b >>> 2] |= (q[b >>> 2] >>> 24 - 8 * (b % 4) & 255) << 24 - 8 * ((d + b) % 4); } } else { if (65535 < q.length) { for (b = 0;b < a;b += 4) { c[d + b >>> 2] = q[b >>> 2]; } } else { c.push.apply(c, q); } } this.sigBytes += a; return this; }, clamp:function() { var a = this.words, c = this.sigBytes; a[c >>> 2] &= 4294967295 << 32 - 8 * (c % 4); a.length = e.ceil(c / 4); }, clone:function() { var a =; a.words = this.words.slice(0); return a; }, random:function(a) { for (var c = [], b = 0;b < a;b += 4) { c.push(4294967296 * e.random() | 0); } return new n.init(c, a); }}), b = p.enc = {}, h = b.Hex = {stringify:function(a) { var c = a.words; a = a.sigBytes; for (var b = [], d = 0;d < a;d++) { var f = c[d >>> 2] >>> 24 - 8 * (d % 4) & 255; b.push((f >>> 4).toString(16)); b.push((f & 15).toString(16)); } return b.join(""); }, parse:function(a) { for (var c = a.length, b = [], d = 0;d < c;d += 2) { b[d >>> 3] |= parseInt(a.substr(d, 2), 16) << 24 - 4 * (d % 8); } return new n.init(b, c / 2); }}, g = b.Latin1 = {stringify:function(a) { var c = a.words; a = a.sigBytes; for (var b = [], d = 0;d < a;d++) { b.push(String.fromCharCode(c[d >>> 2] >>> 24 - 8 * (d % 4) & 255)); } return b.join(""); }, parse:function(a) { for (var c = a.length, b = [], d = 0;d < c;d++) { b[d >>> 2] |= (a.charCodeAt(d) & 255) << 24 - 8 * (d % 4); } return new n.init(b, c); }}, r = b.Utf8 = {stringify:function(a) { try { return decodeURIComponent(escape(g.stringify(a))); } catch (c) { throw Error("Malformed UTF-8 data"); } }, parse:function(a) { return g.parse(unescape(encodeURIComponent(a))); }}, k = j.BufferedBlockAlgorithm = f.extend({reset:function() { this._data = new n.init; this._nDataBytes = 0; }, _append:function(a) { "string" == typeof a && (a = r.parse(a)); this._data.concat(a); this._nDataBytes += a.sigBytes; }, _process:function(a) { var c = this._data, b = c.words, d = c.sigBytes, f = this.blockSize, h = d / (4 * f), h = a ? e.ceil(h) : e.max((h | 0) - this._minBufferSize, 0); a = h * f; d = e.min(4 * a, d); if (a) { for (var g = 0;g < a;g += f) { this._doProcessBlock(b, g); } g = b.splice(0, a); c.sigBytes -= d; } return new n.init(g, d); }, clone:function() { var a =; a._data = this._data.clone(); return a; }, _minBufferSize:0}); j.Hasher = k.extend({cfg:f.extend(), init:function(a) { this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(a); this.reset(); }, reset:function() {; this._doReset(); }, update:function(a) { this._append(a); this._process(); return this; }, finalize:function(a) { a && this._append(a); return this._doFinalize(); }, blockSize:16, _createHelper:function(a) { return function(c, b) { return (new a.init(b)).finalize(c); }; }, _createHmacHelper:function(a) { return function(b, f) { return (new s.HMAC.init(a, f)).finalize(b); }; }}); var s = p.algo = {}; return p; }(Math); (function() { var e = CryptoJS, m = e.lib, p = m.WordArray, j = m.Hasher, l = [], m = e.algo.SHA1 = j.extend({_doReset:function() { this._hash = new p.init([1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520]); }, _doProcessBlock:function(f, n) { for (var b = this._hash.words, h = b[0], g = b[1], e = b[2], k = b[3], j = b[4], a = 0;80 > a;a++) { if (16 > a) { l[a] = f[n + a] | 0; } else { var c = l[a - 3] ^ l[a - 8] ^ l[a - 14] ^ l[a - 16]; l[a] = c << 1 | c >>> 31; } c = (h << 5 | h >>> 27) + j + l[a]; c = 20 > a ? c + ((g & e | ~g & k) + 1518500249) : 40 > a ? c + ((g ^ e ^ k) + 1859775393) : 60 > a ? c + ((g & e | g & k | e & k) - 1894007588) : c + ((g ^ e ^ k) - 899497514); j = k; k = e; e = g << 30 | g >>> 2; g = h; h = c; } b[0] = b[0] + h | 0; b[1] = b[1] + g | 0; b[2] = b[2] + e | 0; b[3] = b[3] + k | 0; b[4] = b[4] + j | 0; }, _doFinalize:function() { var f = this._data, e = f.words, b = 8 * this._nDataBytes, h = 8 * f.sigBytes; e[h >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - h % 32; e[(h + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14] = Math.floor(b / 4294967296); e[(h + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 15] = b; f.sigBytes = 4 * e.length; this._process(); return this._hash; }, clone:function() { var e =; e._hash = this._hash.clone(); return e; }}); e.SHA1 = j._createHelper(m); e.HmacSHA1 = j._createHmacHelper(m); })(); var sha1 = function(s) { return CryptoJS.SHA1(s).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex); }; var staticResource = function(path) { return "//" + path; }; var s3Resource = function(path) { return "//" + path; }; var localResource = function(path) { return "" + path; }; var localHttpsResource = function(path) { return "" + path; }; var cacheBuster = function(url) { var glue = url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&"; var oneWeekInMilliseconds = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1E3; var cacheBuster = Math.floor((new Date).getTime() / oneWeekInMilliseconds); return url + glue + "ts=" + cacheBuster; }; var emarsysModules = {sc_inspector:{path:staticResource("/inspector/scarab-inspector.min.js"), devPath:localResource("/build/scarab-inspector.js"), durationSeconds:24 * 60 * 60}, emarsys_discovery:{aliases:["sc_assistant", "sc_discodrag", "sc_mobildisco", "sc_discovery"], desktop:{path:staticResource("/assistant/scarab-assistant.js"), devPath:localResource("/build/scarab-assistant.js")}, mobile:{path:s3Resource("/discodrag/build.js"), devPath:localResource("/dist/build.js"), stagingPath:s3Resource("/discodragstaging/build.js")}, legacyMobile:{path:staticResource("/mobildisco/build.js"), devPath:localResource("/build/build.js")}, moduleConfig:"_scdiscovery", durationSeconds:24 * 60 * 60}, emarsys_webpersonalization:{aliases:["sc_webpersonalization"], es6:{path:cacheBuster(s3Resource("/wpjs/wpes6.js")), devPath:localResource("/dist/wpes6.js"), stagingPath:cacheBuster(s3Resource("/webchannel-staging/wpjs/wpes6.js")), devSslPath:localHttpsResource("/dist/wpes6.js")}, es5:{path:cacheBuster(s3Resource("/wpjs/wpes5.js")), devPath:localResource("/dist/wpes5.js"), stagingPath:cacheBuster(s3Resource("/webchannel-staging/wpjs/wpes5.js")), devSslPath:localHttpsResource("/dist/wpes5.js")}, loader:{path:cacheBuster(s3Resource("/wpjs/wploader.js")), devPath:localResource("/dist/wploader.js"), stagingPath:cacheBuster(s3Resource("/webchannel-staging/wpjs/wploader.js")), devSslPath:localHttpsResource("/dist/wploader.js")}, durationSeconds:24 * 60 * 60}, emarsys_instantsearch:{aliases:["sc_instantsearch"], path:s3Resource("/instantsearch/build.js"), devPath:localResource("/dist/build.js"), moduleConfig:"_scinstant", durationSeconds:24 * 60 * 60}, emarsys_webpush:{path:s3Resource("/web-push-client/emarsys-web-push.js"), devPath:localResource("/emarsys-web-push.js"), durationSeconds:24 * 60 * 60}}; var modules = {inspector:{path:staticResource("/inspector/scarab-inspector.min.js"), devPath:localResource("/build/scarab-inspector.js")}, discovery:{path:staticResource("/discovery/scarab-discovery.js")}, assistant:{path:staticResource("/assistant/scarab-assistant.js"), devPath:localResource("/build/scarab-assistant.js"), durationSeconds:24 * 60 * 60}, mobildisco:{path:staticResource("/mobildisco/build.js"), devPath:localResource("/build/build.js"), durationSeconds:24 * 60 * 60}, discodrag:{path:s3Resource("/discodrag/build.js"), devPath:localResource("/dist/build.js"), stagingPath:s3Resource("/discodragstaging/build.js"), durationSeconds:24 * 60 * 60}, instantsearch:{path:s3Resource("/instantsearch/build.js"), devPath:localResource("/dist/build.js"), durationSeconds:24 * 60 * 60}, develop:{}}; var loader = function(module, cb, hashConfig) { if (window.ScarabTrustIssues || module === "develop") { return; } var id = "scarab-" + module; if (document.getElementById(id)) { return; } var src = modules[module].path; if (hashConfig && hashConfig.staging && modules[module].stagingPath) { src = modules[module].stagingPath; } if (hashConfig && { src = modules[module].devPath; } if (hashConfig && hashConfig.devSsl) { src = modules[module].devPath.replace(/http:\/\/, ""); } if (hashConfig && hashConfig.devPort) { var port = parseInt(hashConfig.devPort || "3000", 10); if (port !== port || port < 0 || port > 65535) { return; } src = modules[module].devPath.replace(/, "" + port); } ScarabUtil.script = ScarabUtil.script || {}; var callback = function(module) { if (!cb || !module) { return; } var cbTemp = cb; cb = null; cbTemp(module, hashConfig); }; ScarabUtil.scriptCb = ScarabUtil.scriptCb || {}; ScarabUtil.scriptCb[id] = callback; var js = document.createElement("script"); = id; js.src = src; js.charset = "utf-8"; var fs = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; var ieLoadBugFix = function(scriptElement, callback) { if (ScarabUtil.script[id]) { return; } if (scriptElement.readyState === "loaded" || scriptElement.readyState === "completed") { callback(); } else { setTimeout(function() { ieLoadBugFix(scriptElement, callback); }, 100); } }; js.onload = function() { callback(ScarabUtil.script[id]); }; ieLoadBugFix(js, function() { callback(ScarabUtil.script[id]); }); fs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fs); }; var loadModule = function(w, module, config, subModule, cb) { w = w || window; if (w.ScarabTrustIssues || !emarsysModules[module] || emarsysModules[module].status) { return; } emarsysModules[module].status = "loading"; var paths = subModule && emarsysModules[module][subModule] ? emarsysModules[module][subModule] : emarsysModules[module]; var src = paths.path; if (config && config.staging && paths.stagingPath) { src = paths.stagingPath; } if (config && { src = paths.devPath; } if (config && config.devSsl) { src = paths.devSslPath || paths.devPath.replace(/http:\/\/, ""); } if (config && config.devPort) { var port = parseInt(config.devPort || "3000", 10); if (port !== port || port < 0 || port > 65535) { delete emarsysModules[module].status; return; } src = paths.devPath.replace(/, "" + port); } ScarabUtil.loadedModules[module] = {config:config, callback:function(instance) { if (emarsysModules[module].status === "loaded") { if (w.console && w.console.error) { w.console.error("module already loaded", module, config); } return; } ScarabUtil.loadedModules[module].instance = instance; emarsysModules[module].status = "loaded"; try { if (!instance) { if (w.console && w.console.error) { w.console.error("no module instance passed in callback", module, config); } return; } if (instance.go) { instance.go(config); } if (cb) { cb(); } } catch (e) { if (w.console && w.console.error) { w.console.error('error launching "' + module + '" with config', config, e); } } }}; var js = document.createElement("script"); js.module = module; = module + (subModule ? "_" + subModule : ""); js.src = src; js.charset = "utf-8"; var fs = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; fs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fs); }; var loadModules = function(actions, w) { w = w || window; var hash = parseHashString(w); if (!window.JSON) { return; } var callGo = function(m) { m.go(); }; for (var m in modules) { if (modules.hasOwnProperty(m)) { var moduleName = "sc_" + m; if (hash[moduleName] !== undefined) { var val = hash[moduleName] || "{}"; try { JSON.parse(val); } catch (e) { if (w.console && w.console.error) { console.error("Hash config for", moduleName, "is not a valid JSON: ", e); } continue; } var later = new Date; later.setSeconds(later.getSeconds() + (modules[m].durationSeconds || 30 * 60)); document.cookie = moduleName + "=" + encodeURIComponent(val) + ";expires=" + later.toUTCString() + ";path=/"; } var hashConfig = getCookieWithoutCrazyness(moduleName); if (hashConfig !== null) { if (actions[m]) { actions[m]({}); } else { loader(m, callGo, {}); } } } } }; var isIpad = function isIpad(w) { w = w || window; return /iPad/.test(w.navigator.userAgent) && !w.MSStream; }; var isIPhone = function isIPhone(w) { w = w || window; return /iPhone|iPod/.test(w.navigator.userAgent) && !w.MSStream; }; var isSafari = function isSafari(w) { w = w || window; return /WebKit/i.test(w.navigator.userAgent) && !/(CriOS|FxiOS|OPiOS|mercury)/i.test(w.navigator.userAgent); }; var isChromeForIPhone = function(w) { w = w || window; return isIPhone(w) && w.navigator.userAgent.match("CriOS"); }; var isChromeForAndroid = function(w) { w = w || window; return !!w.navigator.userAgent.match(/Android.*Chrome\/[0-9].*Mobile/i) && !w.navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\/[0-9]/i); }; var isMobile = function isMobile(w) { w = w || window; var width = w.innerWidth, height = w.innerHeight, n = w.navigator; return w.matchMedia ? w.matchMedia("only screen and (max-device-width : 480px)").matches && n.userAgent &&"Mobi") > -1 : width && height && n && n.userAgent && Math.min(width, height) <= 480 &&"Mobi") > -1; }; var hashEmail = function(email) { return sha1(trim(email).toLowerCase()).substring(0, 16) + "1"; }; var getCohort = function(w, serverUrl, merchantId, callback) { w = w || window; if (w.JSON && w.JSON.parse) { var url = (serverUrl ? serverUrl + "/merchants/" : (document.location.protocol === "file:" ? "http:" : document.location.protocol) + "//") + merchantId; var xhr = ScarabUtil.createCORSRequest("GET", url); if (xhr) { xhr.onload = function() { var data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); callback(data.cohort); }; xhr.onerror = function() { if (w.console && w.console.error) { w.console.error("Error determining cohort from url:", url); } callback(); }; xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.send(); } } }; var isLocalStorageSupported = function(w) { try { var testKey = "scarabTestKey", storage = w.localStorage; storage.setItem(testKey, "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopq"); storage.removeItem(testKey); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }; var createStorageFactory = function createStorageFactory(noTopDomain, w, allowedItemNames, errorHandler, debugHandler) { var LocalStorage = function LocalStorage() { return {type:"local", get:function get(name) { try { return JSON.parse(w.localStorage.getItem(name)) || []; } catch (e) { errorHandler(e.message); return []; } }, set:function set(name, value) { try { w.localStorage.setItem(name, value); } catch (e) { errorHandler(e.message); } }}; }; var SessionStorage = function SessionStorage() { return {type:"session", get:function get(name) { try { return JSON.parse(w.sessionStorage.getItem(name)) || []; } catch (e) { errorHandler(e.message); return []; } }, set:function set(name, value) { try { w.sessionStorage.setItem(name, value); } catch (e) { errorHandler(e.message); } }}; }; var CookieStorage = function CookieStorage() { function _topDomainToCookie(domain) { if (domain === "localhost") { return ""; } var td = _getTopDomain(domain); return "domain=" + td; } function _getTopDomain(domain) { var ipPattern = /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/; if (ipPattern.test(domain)) { return domain; } var dparts = domain.split("."); var l = dparts.length; var partsToKeep = Math.min(l, 2); if (l > 2 && ("co" === dparts[l - 2] || "com" === dparts[l - 2] || "azurewebsites" === dparts[l - 2] && "net" === dparts[l - 1]) || "cloudfront" === dparts[l - 2] && "net" === dparts[l - 1]) { partsToKeep = 3; } return "." + dparts.slice(l - partsToKeep).join("."); } function _getCookieWithoutCrazyness(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = w.document.cookie.split(";"); for (var i = 0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) === " ") { c = c.substring(1, c.length); } if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) === 0) { var value = decodeURIComponent(c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length)); return value; } else { if (name === c) { return ""; } } } return null; } function set(name, cookieValue, expires) { if (allowedItemNames.indexOf(name) === -1) { errorHandler("Not allowed cookie name"); return; } if (noTopDomain) { w.document.cookie = name + "=; path=/;" + _topDomainToCookie(w.document.domain) + "; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;"; w.document.cookie = name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(cookieValue) + "; path=/; domain=" + w.document.domain + (expires ? " ; expires=" + expires + ";" : ""); } else { w.document.cookie = name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(cookieValue) + "; path=/;" + _topDomainToCookie(w.document.domain) + (expires ? " ; expires=" + expires + ";" : ""); } } function get(name) { var value = _getCookieWithoutCrazyness(name); if (value === null) { return []; } return JSON.parse(value); } function hasCookie(name) { return _getCookieWithoutCrazyness(name) !== null; } return {type:"cookie", set:set, get:get, hasCookie:hasCookie}; }; var DarkLaunchStorage = function DarkLaunchStorage(data) { var cookieStorage = new CookieStorage; var dataToStorage = {"scarab.mayViewed":new SessionStorage, "scarab.mayAdd":new SessionStorage, "scarab.visitor":new LocalStorage}; var webStorage = dataToStorage[data]; return {type:"darklaunch", get:function(name) { var cookieValue = cookieStorage.get(name); if (webStorage) { var webStorageValue = webStorage.get(name); if (JSON.stringify(cookieValue) !== JSON.stringify(webStorageValue)) { debugHandler("Value from cookie / localStorage is different", {name:name, cookieValue:cookieValue, webStorageValue:webStorageValue}); } } return cookieValue; }, set:function(name, value) { cookieStorage.set(name, value); if (webStorage) { webStorage.set(name, value); } }}; }; return {getStorageForData:function getStorageForData(data) { if (w.cookieLessDarklaunchEnabled && w.cookieLessDarklaunchEnabled()) { return new DarkLaunchStorage(data); } if (w.emarsysCookieLessEnabled) { var dataToStorage = {"scarab.mayViewed":new SessionStorage, "scarab.mayAdd":new SessionStorage, "scarab.visitor":new LocalStorage}; var nonCookieStorage = dataToStorage[data]; return nonCookieStorage ? nonCookieStorage : new CookieStorage; } return new CookieStorage; }, setNoTopDomain:function setNoTopDomain(value) { noTopDomain = value; }}; }; return {createStorageFactory:createStorageFactory, makeDisableFunction:makeDisableFunction, prettyPrice:prettyPrice, redirect:redirect, sc_params:sc_params, addTrackingParams:addTrackingParams, appendParams:appendParams, getCookie:getCookie, getCookieWithoutCrazyness:getCookieWithoutCrazyness, hasCookie:hasCookie, topDomainToCookie:topDomainToCookie, getTopDomain:getTopDomain, redirectWithScParams:function(link, merchant, item, feature, cohort) { return redirect(sc_params(link, feature, cohort), merchant, item, feature, cohort); }, parseQueryString:parseQueryString, parseHashString:parseHashString, merge:merge, isNaN:isNaN, indexOf:indexOf, indexOfItem:indexOfItem, deepCopy:deepCopy, augment:augment, bind:bind, sha1:sha1, trim:trim, keys:keys, isArray:isArray, isObject:isObject, containsPrimitivesOnly:containsPrimitivesOnly, isEmpty:isEmpty, findLocalizedTopic:findLocalizedTopic, playQueue:playQueue, script:{}, modules:modules, loader:loader, loadModules:loadModules, isMobile:isMobile, isIPhone:isIPhone, isIpad:isIpad, isSafari:isSafari, isChromeForIPhone:isChromeForIPhone, isChromeForAndroid:isChromeForAndroid, createCORSRequest:createCORSRequest, createJSONPRequest:createJSONPRequest, hashEmail:hashEmail, emarsysModules:emarsysModules, loadedModules:{}, loadModule:loadModule, getCohort:getCohort, isLocalStorageSupported:isLocalStorageSupported}; }(); if (typeof window !== "undefined") { window.ScarabArrays = ScarabArrays; } if (typeof window !== "undefined") { window.ScarabUtil = ScarabUtil; } if (typeof window !== "undefined") { window.cookieLessDarklaunchEnabled = function() { return true; }; } ;var ScarabModule = function(win, config) { config = config || {}; var w = win || window; var developMode = ScarabUtil.hasCookie("sc_develop"); var CLICK_EXPIRE_MILLIS = 30 * 1E3; var ITEMID_MAX_LENGTH = 256; var STRINGS = {VIEWCOOKIE:"scarab.mayViewed", VISITORCOOKIE:"scarab.visitor", PROFILECOOKIE:"scarab.profile", NOCONTAINER:"__no_container__"}, SERIALIZE = {"v":"views", "ca":"cart", "co":"checkouts", "k":"keywords", "q":"searchTerm", "vc":"category", "cp":"compactProducts", "lang":"language", "currency":"currency", "az":"availabilityZone"}, EVENT = {"pageview":1, "addView":2, "checkAddedItem":3, "setCart":6, "addCheckoutItem":8, "setPurchase":9, "commit":10}, FEATURETRIGGERS = {"RELATED":{trigger:"view", validate:function(tr) { return tr.views && tr.views.length > 0; }}, "ALSO_BOUGHT":{trigger:"view", validate:function(tr) { return tr.views && tr.views.length > 0; }}, "CART":{trigger:"cart", validate:function(tr) { return tr.cart && tr.cart.length > 0 || tr.cart && tr.cart.v > 0; }}}; var sessionId, visitorId, customerId, profile, emailHash, emailSign, trafficSource, emsUid, emsLid, emsLlid, fields, merchantId, testMode, debugMode, serverUrl, trackedFeature, trackedCohort, forcedCohort, transactions = {}, transactionCounter = 0, transactionListeners = [], products = {}, features = [], beforeRendering = null, afterRendering = null, skipRendering = false, pageViewId = 0, noTopDomain = false, assistantCalled = false, onModuleAvailableListeners = {}, qs; if (ScarabUtil.inspector && !config.doNotInspect) { ScarabUtil.inspector.FEATURETRIGGERS = FEATURETRIGGERS; } var doT = function() { var doT = {version:"0.1.0"}; doT.templateSettings = {begin:"{{", end:"}}", varname:"it"}; doT.template = function(tmpl, conf) { conf = conf || doT.templateSettings; var str = "", tb = conf.begin, te = conf.end, m, l, arr = tmpl.replace(/\s*\s*|[\r\n\t]|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)/g, "").split(tb).join(te + "\u001b").split(te); l = arr.length; for (m = 0;m < l;m++) { str += arr[m].charAt(0) !== "\u001b" ? "out+='" + arr[m].replace(/(\\|["'])/g, "\\$1") + "'" : arr[m].charAt(1) === "=" ? ";out+=(" + arr[m].substr(2) + ");" : arr[m].charAt(1) === "!" ? ";out+=(" + arr[m].substr(2) + ").toString().replace(/&(?!\\w+;)/g, '&').split('<').join('<').split('>').join('>').split('" + '"' + "').join('"').split(" + '"' + "'" + '"' + ").join(''');" : ";" + arr[m].substr(1); } str = "try{" + ('var out="";' + str + ";return out;").split("out+='';").join("").split('var out="";out+=').join("var out=") + '} catch(e){e.type="TemplateExecutionError";e.args=arguments;e.template=arguments.callee.toString();' + 'throw new SyntaxError("Error in Scarab template.");}'; try { return new Function(conf.varname, str); } catch (e) { if (window.console && console.warn) { console.warn("Could not create a template function: " + str, e); } throw new SyntaxError("Error in Scarab template."); } }; return doT; }(); doT.templateSettings = {begin:"{{", end:"}}", varname:"SC"}; var addEvent = function(o, name, fn, ctx) { if (!o) { return; } var evl; if (o.addEventListener) { evl = ScarabUtil.bind(fn, ctx); o.addEventListener(name, evl, false); } else { if (o.attachEvent) { evl = ScarabUtil.bind(fn, ctx); o.attachEvent("on" + name, evl); } } return evl; }; var ISerializable = function() { var serialize = function() { var s = [], i, sp = this.serializableProperties, l = sp.length, cp; for (i = 0;i < l;i++) { cp = sp[i]; if (this.hasOwnProperty(cp) && (this[cp] || this[cp] === 0)) { s.push(cp + ":" + this[cp]); } } return s.join(","); }; return function() { this.serialize = serialize; }; }(); var IComparable = function() { var equal = function(other) { return; }; return function() { this.equal = equal; }; }(); var IMergable = function() { var merge = function() { var i, l = arguments.length, co, prop; for (i = 0;i < l;i++) { co = arguments[i]; for (prop in co) { if (co.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { this[prop] = co[prop]; } } } }; return function() { this.merge = merge; }; }(); var Item = function(config) { this.i = encodeURIComponent(config.i + "") || null; this.t = config.t || null; this.p = config.p === 0 ? 0 : config.p || null; this.q = config.q || null; this.c = config.c || null; this.ct = config.ct || null; }; ScarabUtil.augment(Item, ISerializable, IComparable, IMergable); Item.prototype.serializableProperties = ["i", "t", "p", "q", "c"]; = function(otherItem) { return this.i === otherItem.i; }; var Feature = function(config) { this.f = config.f || null; this.l = config.l || null; this.o = typeof config.o === "undefined" ? null : config.o; this.t = config.t ? encodeURIComponent(config.t) : null; this.hasMore = false; this.cohort = ""; this.merchants = []; this.containerId = config.containerId || null; this.parent = this.containerId ? document.getElementById(this.containerId) : null; this.template = config.template || null; this.pages = config.pages || []; this.currentPage = null; this.attachedListeners = config.attachedListeners || false; this.transaction = null; this.pi = null; this.cust = config.cust || null; this.requestSent = false; }; ScarabUtil.augment(Feature, ISerializable, IComparable); Feature.prototype.serializableProperties = ["f", "l", "o", "t", "cust"]; = function(otherItem) { return this.f === otherItem.f; }; Feature.prototype.getProducts = function() { var i, l = this.pages.length, result = [], page; for (i = 0;i < l;i++) { page = this.pages[i]; result = result.concat(page.products); } return result; }; Feature.prototype.purgePagesCache = function() { this.pages = []; this.currentPage = null; }; var findProductsMSIE = function(root) { var productIds = []; if (typeof root.getAttribute !== "undefined") { var dataitem = root.getAttribute("data-scarabitem"); if (dataitem) { productIds.push(dataitem); } } if (root.childNodes.length === 0) { return productIds; } for (var i = 0;i < root.childNodes.length;++i) { var subresult = findProductsMSIE(root.childNodes[i]); productIds = productIds.concat(subresult); } return productIds; }; Feature.prototype.findProducts = function() { if (typeof NodeFilter === "undefined") { return findProductsMSIE(this.parent); } var walker = document.createTreeWalker(this.parent, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, null, false), productIds = [], el, dataitem; do { el = walker.currentNode; dataitem = el.getAttribute("data-scarabitem"); if (dataitem) { productIds.push(dataitem); } } while (walker.nextNode()); return productIds; }; Feature.prototype.setProducts = function(pi) { this.pi = pi; }; Feature.prototype.setPage = function(page) { var that = this; this.parent = document.getElementById(this.containerId); if (this.containerId !== STRINGS.NOCONTAINER && !this.parent && window.console && console.error) { console.error('container not found: "' + this.containerId + '"'); } var renderCallback = function(SC, skipScarabRendering) { return that.render(SC, skipScarabRendering); }; var SC; this.currentPage = page; SC = this.getDataForRendering(); if (beforeRendering) { beforeRendering(SC); } if (this.successCallback) { try { this.successCallback(SC, renderCallback); } catch (e) { if (window.console && console.warn) { console.warn("Error in successCallback.", e); } } } else { if (!skipRendering) { publicInterface.invokeRendering(SC, renderCallback); } } this.attachListeners(); if (afterRendering) { afterRendering(SC); } }; Feature.prototype.addPage = function(page) { this.pages.push(page); this.setPage(page); }; Feature.prototype.previousPage = function() { var index = ScarabUtil.indexOfItem(this.pages, this.currentPage); if (index > 0) { this.setPage(this.pages[index - 1]); } }; Feature.prototype.nextPage = function() { var index = ScarabUtil.indexOfItem(this.pages, this.currentPage); if (index !== -1) { if (index < this.pages.length - 1) { this.setPage(this.pages[index + 1]); } else { if (this.hasMore) { this.o += this.l; publicInterface.setCohortId(this.cohort); this.requestSent = false; this.transaction.sendRequest(); } } } }; Feature.prototype.getDataForRendering = function() { var SC = {}; = ScarabUtil.deepCopy(this.currentPage); SC.topic = this.topicLabel; SC.topicLocalized = this.transaction.language && this.transaction.language[0] ? ScarabUtil.findLocalizedTopic([0], this.topicLabel, this.transaction.language[0]) : this.topicLabel; SC.recommender = {}; SC.recommender.f = this.f; SC.recommender.limit = this.l; SC.recommender.container = this.parent; SC.cohort = this.cohort; SC.merchants = this.merchants; return SC; }; var getElementsByClassName = function(container, button) { if (container.getElementsByClassName) { return container.getElementsByClassName(button); } var all = container.getElementsByTagName("*"); var ret = []; for (var i = 0;i < all.length;i++) { if (all[i].className === button) { ret.push(all[i]); } } return ret; }; var disableButton = function(container, button) { var buttons = getElementsByClassName(container, button); for (var i = 0;i < buttons.length;++i) { var className = buttons[i].className; buttons[i].className = className + " scarab-disabled-button"; } }; Feature.prototype.render = function(SC, skipScarabRendering) { var el = this.parent; if (typeof this.template === "function" && !skipScarabRendering) { if (!el) { throw 'DOM element "' + this.containerId + '" not found "'; } if (el !== document.getElementById( { el = document.getElementById(; this.parent = el; this.attachedListeners = false; } el.innerHTML = this.template(SC); var index = ScarabUtil.indexOfItem(this.pages, this.currentPage); if (index === 0) { disableButton(el, "scarab-prev"); } if (index === this.pages.length - 1 && !this.hasMore) { disableButton(el, "scarab-next"); } } }; Feature.prototype.attachListeners = function() { if (this.attachedListeners) { return; } this.attachedListeners = true; clearOldFeatureListeners(this); var el = this.parent; this.elistener = addEvent(el, "click", this.eventListener, this); }; Feature.prototype.eventListener = function(e) { var element = e.srcElement ||, cssClass, classes = [], i, l, dataitem; do { dataitem = element.getAttribute ? element.getAttribute("data-scarabitem") : null; if (dataitem) { return Feature.eventsHandlers["scarab-item"].call(this, dataitem, this.f, this.cohort); } cssClass = element.className || ""; classes = cssClass.split ? cssClass.split(" ") : ""; l = classes.length; for (i = 0;i < l;i++) { if (classes[i] in Feature.eventsHandlers) { return Feature.eventsHandlers[classes[i]].call(this, element); } } element = element.parentNode; } while (element && element !== this.parent); return true; }; Feature.eventsHandlers = {"scarab-item":function(productId, feature, cohort) { publicInterface.itemClick(productId, feature, cohort); }, "scarab-prev":function() { this.previousPage(); }, "scarab-next":function() { this.nextPage(); }}; if (ScarabUtil.inspector && !config.doNotInspect) { ScarabUtil.inspector.trackObjectFunctions("Feature", Feature.prototype); } var Page = function() { this.products = []; }; ScarabUtil.augment(Page, IComparable); = function(otherItem) { return otherItem === this; }; Page.prototype.addProduct = function(product) { this.products.push(product); }; Page.prototype.removeProduct = function() { }; var OrderedItemEventQueue = function(transaction) { this.isPlaying = false; this.tick = null; = []; this.transaction = transaction; this.playcounter = 0; }; OrderedItemEventQueue.prototype.add = function(event) {;; }; OrderedItemEventQueue.prototype.compareEvent = function(a, b) { if (a.item && b.item && a.item.i && b.item.i && a.item.i !== b.item.i) { return a.item.i < b.item.i ? -1 : 1; } else { if (EVENT[a.event] === EVENT[b.event]) { return 0; } return EVENT[a.event] < EVENT[b.event] ? -1 : 1; } }; OrderedItemEventQueue.prototype.hasNonTrivialEvents = function() { for (var i = 0;i <;i++) { if ([i].event !== "commit" ||[i].forceSend) { return true; } } return false; }; OrderedItemEventQueue.prototype.shouldSend = function() { return this.hasNonTrivialEvents() || customerId || emailHash || trafficSource || emsLid || emsLlid || emsUid || this.transaction.features.length > 0 || this.transaction.keywords && this.transaction.keywords.length > 0 || this.transaction.searchTerm && this.transaction.searchTerm.length > 0 || this.transaction.category && this.transaction.category.length > 0 || this.transaction.tags && this.transaction.tags.length > 0 || this.transaction.tagsWithAttributes && this.transaction.tagsWithAttributes.length > 0 || this.transaction.errors && this.transaction.errors.length > 0; }; OrderedItemEventQueue.prototype._play = function() { var transaction = this.transaction, e; this.isPlaying = true; if (!this.shouldSend()) { this.clear(); } while ( { e =; transaction.eventHandlers[e.event].call(transaction, e.item); } this.isPlaying = false; }; = function(immediate) { if (this.isPlaying) { return true; } if (this.tick) { w.clearTimeout(this.tick); } if (immediate) { this._play(); } else { this.tick = w.setTimeout(ScarabUtil.bind(this._play, this), 100); } }; OrderedItemEventQueue.prototype.clear = function() { = []; }; var serializeCookie = function(name, collection) { var key, serializedPairs, serializedObjects, i, cookieValue = "["; serializedObjects = []; for (i = 0;i < collection.length;i++) { serializedPairs = []; for (key in collection[i]) { if (collection[i].hasOwnProperty(key) && (collection[i][key] || collection[i][key] === 0)) { serializedPairs.push('"' + key + '":"' + collection[i][key] + '"'); } } if (serializedPairs.length) { serializedObjects.push("{" + serializedPairs.join(",") + "}"); } } if (serializedObjects.length) { cookieValue += serializedObjects.join(","); } cookieValue += "]"; return cookieValue; }; var findInCookie = function(storageItemName, item) { var storage = storageFactory.getStorageForData(storageItemName); var data = storage.get(storageItemName); for (var i = 0;i < data.length;i++) { if (i in data && item.equal(data[i])) { return data[i]; } } return null; }; var getClickedItemCookie = function(storageItemName) { var storage = storageFactory.getStorageForData(storageItemName); var data = storage.get(storageItemName); var firstValidClickItem = {ct:Number.MAX_VALUE}; for (var i = 0;i < data.length;i++) { if (i in data && data[i].ct && data[i].ct < firstValidClickItem.ct && isValidClickTimestamp(data[i].ct)) { firstValidClickItem = data[i]; } } if (firstValidClickItem.ct !== Number.MAX_VALUE) { var result = new Item({i:firstValidClickItem.i}); result.merge(firstValidClickItem); return result; } return null; }; var removeOldClickedItemCookie = function(key, transaction) { var storage = storageFactory.getStorageForData(key); var data = storage.get(key); var hasInvalidClickedItem = false; for (var i = 0;i < data.length;i++) { if (i in data && data[i].ct && !isValidClickTimestamp(data[i].ct)) { hasInvalidClickedItem = true; var invalidClickedItem = new Item({i:data[i].i}); invalidClickedItem.merge(data[i]); removeFromCookie(STRINGS.VIEWCOOKIE, invalidClickedItem); } } if (hasInvalidClickedItem) { transaction.error({t:"MISSING_ARG", c:"view", m:"There was no view command after widget clicked"}); } }; var isValidClickTimestamp = function(timestamp) { var currentTimestamp = (new Date).getTime(); return currentTimestamp - timestamp < CLICK_EXPIRE_MILLIS; }; var removeFromCookie = function(cookieName, item) { var storage = storageFactory.getStorageForData(cookieName); var cookie = storage.get(cookieName); var i = ScarabUtil.indexOfItem(cookie, item); if (i > -1) { cookie.splice(i, 1); } storage.set(cookieName, serializeCookie(cookieName, cookie)); }; var addCookie = function(cname, item) { var storage = storageFactory.getStorageForData(cname); var c = storage.get(cname), i = ScarabUtil.indexOfItem(c, item); if (c.length > 9) { c.shift(); } if (i === -1) { c.push(item); storage.set(cname, serializeCookie(cname, c)); } }; var Transaction = function(id) { = getTrnName(id); this.views = null; this.cart = null; this.features = []; this.productIds = []; this.checkouts = null; this.orderId = ""; this.callbackName = ""; = new OrderedItemEventQueue(this); this.keywords = null; this.searchTerm = null; this.category = null; this.tags = null; this.tagsWithAttributes = null; this.exclude = []; this.compactProducts = ["1"]; = id; this.errors = null; this.debugMessages = null; this.language = null; this.currency = null; this.availabilityZone = null; this.isNewPageView = false; }; Transaction.prototype = {eventHandlers:{addView:function(viewedItem) { this.views = this.views || []; if (this.views && this.views.length > 0) { this.error({t:"MULTIPLE_CALL", c:"view", m:"Multiple calls of view command"}); } var clickedItem = getClickedItemCookie(STRINGS.VIEWCOOKIE); if (clickedItem) { viewedItem.t = clickedItem.t; viewedItem.c = clickedItem.c; removeFromCookie(STRINGS.VIEWCOOKIE, clickedItem); } removeOldClickedItemCookie(STRINGS.VIEWCOOKIE, getCurrentTransaction()); if (trackedFeature) { viewedItem.t = trackedFeature; } if (trackedCohort) { viewedItem.c = trackedCohort; } this.views.push(viewedItem); }, pageview:function(pageViewId) { if (pageViewId === undefined || pageViewId === null) { this.isNewPageView = true; pageViewId = generatePageViewId(); } else { this.isNewPageView = false; } setPageViewId(pageViewId); }, checkAddedItem:function(addedItem) { var v = findInCookie(STRINGS.VIEWCOOKIE, addedItem); if (v) { this.addView(addedItem); } }, setCart:function(cart) { if (this.cart) { this.error({t:"MULTIPLE_CALL", c:"cart", m:"Multiple calls of cart command"}); } this.cart = cart; this.cart.v = 1; }, addCheckoutItem:function(checkoutItem) { this.checkouts = this.checkouts || []; this.checkouts.push(checkoutItem); }, setPurchase:function(conf) { if (this.checkouts) { this.error({t:"MULTIPLE_CALL", c:"purchase", m:"Multiple calls of purchase command"}); } this.checkouts = conf.items; if (conf.orderId) { this.orderId = conf.orderId; } }, commit:function() { var that = this; that.merchantId = getMerchantId(); that.pageViewId = getPageViewId(); that.emailHash = emailHash; that.customerId = customerId; ScarabArrays.forEach(transactionListeners, function(listener) { try { listener(that); } catch (e) { that.error({t:"INVALID_ARG", c:"addTransactionListener", m:"transaction listener threw an exception: " + e}); } }); this.sendRequest(); start(); }}, highlightFeatures:function() { if (!debugMode) { return; } for (var i = 0;i < features.length;++i) { var label = document.createElement("span"); label.textContent = features[i].f; = "red"; features[i].parent.appendChild(label); features[i] = "5px solid red"; } }, setOrderId:function(orderId) { this.orderId = orderId; }, addView:function(viewedItem) {{item:viewedItem, event:"addView"}); }, pageview:function(pageViewId) {{item:pageViewId, event:"pageview"}); }, setCart:function(cart) { for (var i = 0, l = cart.length;i < l;i++) {{item:cart[i], event:"checkAddedItem"}); }{item:cart, event:"setCart"}); }, addCheckoutItem:function(checkoutItem) {{item:checkoutItem, event:"addCheckoutItem"}); }, setPurchase:function(conf) {{item:conf, event:"setPurchase"}); }, addKeyword:function(keyword) { this.keywords = this.keywords || []; this.keywords.push(keyword); }, addSearchTerm:function(searchTerm) { this.searchTerm = this.searchTerm || []; this.searchTerm.push(searchTerm); }, addCategory:function(category) { this.category = this.category || []; this.category.push(category); }, addTag:function(tagStr, attributes) { var error = ScarabUtil.bind(function(errorMessage) { this.error({t:"INVALID_ARG", c:"tag", m:'Invalid attribute for tag "' + tagStr + '". ' + errorMessage}); }, this); if (attributes === undefined) { this.tags = this.tags || []; this.tags.push(tagStr); } else { if (!ScarabUtil.isObject(attributes)) { error("Attributes must be specified as an object."); } else { if (!ScarabUtil.containsPrimitivesOnly(attributes)) { error("Individual attributes can only be values of type string, number or boolean."); } else { if (ScarabUtil.isEmpty(attributes)) { error("Attributes can not be empty (or should be omitted entirely)."); } else { this.tagsWithAttributes = this.tagsWithAttributes || []; this.tagsWithAttributes.push({name:tagStr, attributes:attributes}); } } } } }, addExcludeRule:function(e) { this.exclude.push(e); }, setAvailabilityZone:function(az) { this.availabilityZone = [az]; }, setLanguage:function(lang) { this.language = [lang]; }, setCurrency:function(currency) { this.currency = [currency]; }, error:function(err, hideFromConsole) { this.errors = this.errors || []; this.errors.push(err); if (window.console && console.error && !hideFromConsole) { console.error(err); } }, debug:function(message, context) { this.debugMessages = this.debugMessages || []; this.debugMessages.push({message:message, context:context}); }, go:function(immediate, forceSend) { this.time = (new Date).getTime(); if (!testMode && !config.disableMultiGoCheck && > 1 && Math.abs(transactions[getTrnName(].time - transactions[getTrnName( - 1)].time) < 500) { this.error({t:"MULTIPLE_CALL", c:"go", m:"Multiple calls of go command"}); } var hasEventType = function(eventType, events) { for (var i = 0;i < events.length;++i) { if (events[i].event === eventType) { return true; } } return false; }; if (trackedFeature && trackedCohort && !hasEventType("addView", { publicInterface.view("scarab/click", 0, 0, trackedFeature, trackedCohort); } if ( === 1 && !hasEventType("pageview", {{item:null, event:"pageview"}); }{item:null, event:"commit", forceSend:forceSend});; }, registerFeature:function(feature) { feature.transaction = this; this.features.push(feature); }, serializeList:function(list) { var i, l = list.length, o = []; for (i = 0;i < l;i++) { if (list[i].serialize) { o.push(list[i].serialize()); } else { o.push(list[i]); } } return o.join("|"); }, serializeContext:function() { var i, list, slist = []; slist.push("pv=" + getPageViewId()); if (!config.isNotNewPageView && this.isNewPageView) { slist.push("xp=1"); } var unsentFeatures = ScarabArrays.filter(this.features, function(feature) { return !feature.requestSent; }); if (unsentFeatures.length > 0) { slist.push("f=" + encodeURIComponent(this.serializeList(unsentFeatures))); } var tr = this; ScarabArrays.forEach(unsentFeatures, function(feature) { feature.requestSent = true; for (var key in FEATURETRIGGERS) { if (!feature.t && feature.f && feature.f.indexOf(key) === 0) { var ft = FEATURETRIGGERS[key]; if (ft && typeof ft.validate === "function" && !ft.validate(tr)) { } } } }); for (i in SERIALIZE) { if (SERIALIZE.hasOwnProperty(i)) { list = this[SERIALIZE[i]]; if (SERIALIZE[i] === "cart" && list && list.v && list.v > 0) { slist.push("cv=" + list.v); } if (list === null || list === undefined) { } else { if (list.length === 0) { slist.push(i + "="); } else { if (list.length > 0) { slist.push(i + "=" + encodeURIComponent(this.serializeList(list))); } } } } } for (i = 0;i < this.features.length;i++) { if (this.features[i].pi && this.features[i].pi.length > 0) { list = Array.prototype.concat([this.features[i].f], this.features[i].pi); slist.push("pi=" + encodeURIComponent(this.serializeList(list))); } } if (sessionId) { slist.push("s=" + encodeURIComponent(sessionId)); } if (visitorId) { slist.push("vi=" + encodeURIComponent(visitorId)); } if (profile) { slist.push("p=" + encodeURIComponent(profile)); } if (customerId) { slist.push("ci=" + encodeURIComponent(customerId)); } if (emailHash) { slist.push("eh=" + encodeURIComponent(emailHash)); } if (emailSign) { slist.push("es=" + encodeURIComponent(emailSign)); } if (trafficSource && /^email_/.test(trafficSource)) { var campaignId = trafficSource.replace(/^email_/, ""); if (campaignId) { if (!isNaN(campaignId)) { slist.push("ecid=" + encodeURIComponent(campaignId)); } else { this.error({t:"INVALID_ARG", c:"sc_src", m:"Invalid argument in email campaign id"}); } } } if (emsLid) { if (!isNaN(emsLid)) { slist.push("elid=" + encodeURIComponent(emsLid)); } else { this.error({t:"INVALID_ARG", c:"sc_lid", m:"Invalid argument in sc_lid"}); } } if (emsLlid) { if (!isNaN(emsLlid)) { slist.push("ellid=" + encodeURIComponent(emsLlid)); } else { this.error({t:"INVALID_ARG", c:"sc_llid", m:"Invalid argument in sc_llid"}); } } if (emsUid) { slist.push("euid=" + encodeURIComponent(emsUid)); } if (fields) { slist.push("fields=" + encodeURIComponent(this.serializeList(fields))); } if (this.exclude.length > 0) { try { slist.push("ex=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(this.exclude))); } catch (e) { } } if (tr.tags) { ScarabArrays.forEach(tr.tags, function(t) { slist.push("t=" + encodeURIComponent(t)); }); } if (tr.tagsWithAttributes) { ScarabArrays.forEach(tr.tagsWithAttributes, function(ta) { slist.push("ta=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(ta))); }); } if (forcedCohort) { slist.push("fc=" + encodeURIComponent(forcedCohort)); } if (this.orderId) { slist.push("oi=" + encodeURIComponent(this.orderId)); } if (getTestMode()) { slist.push("test=true"); } if (debugMode) { slist.push("debug=" + debugMode); } if (document.referrer) { slist.push("prev_url=" + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer)); } if (this.errors) { var errorParam = JSON.stringify(this.errors); slist.push("error=" + encodeURIComponent(errorParam)); } if (this.debugMessages) { slist.push("d=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(this.debugMessages))); } if (this.findFeature("WEBPERSONALIZATION")) { slist.push("url=" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)); } return slist.join("&"); }, checkRequest:function() { return true; }, getHost:function() { if (getServerUrl()) { return getServerUrl() + "/merchants/"; } return ""; }, generateUrl:function() { if (!this.checkRequest()) { return false; } var context = this.serializeContext(); var url = this.getHost() + getMerchantId() + "/?" + context; return url; }, sendRequest:function() { var url = this.generateUrl(); var that = this; if (window.JSON && window.JSON.parse) { var xhr = ScarabUtil.createCORSRequest("GET", url); if (xhr) { xhr.onload = function() { that.callback(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)); }; xhr.onerror = function(e) { if (window.console && console.error) { console.error("XHR ERROR: Scarab request failed", url, e); } }; xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.send(); return; } } ScarabUtil.createJSONPRequest(url, that.callbackName, config.jsonpStem); }, findFeature:function(feature) { if (!this.features || this.features.length === 0) { return null; } for (var i = 0, l = this.features.length;i < l;i++) { if (this.features[i].f === feature) { return this.features[i]; } } return null; }, callback:function(data) { if (data.trace) { if (window.console && console.log) { console.log("SCARAB SERVER: " + data.trace); } } if (data.schema && data.products) { for (var productId in data.products) { var newProd = {}; for (var j = 0;j < data.schema.length;j++) { newProd[data.schema[j]] = data.products[productId][j]; } data.products[productId] = newProd; } } if (data.products) { products = ScarabUtil.merge(products, data.products); } var hasFeature = false; if (data.features) { for (var feature in data.features) { if (data.features.hasOwnProperty(feature)) { var currentFeature = this.findFeature(feature); if (currentFeature) { hasFeature = true; var items = data.features[feature].items; var newPage = new Page; for (var i = 0;i < items.length;i++) { var product = ScarabUtil.merge(items[i], products[items[i].id]); product.trackingCode = feature; newPage.addProduct(product); } currentFeature.hasMore = data.features[feature].hasMore; currentFeature.topicLabel = data.features[feature].topicLabel; currentFeature.cohort = data.cohort; currentFeature.merchants = data.features[feature].merchants; currentFeature.addPage(newPage); } } } } this.highlightFeatures(); var expiration = new Date; expiration.setFullYear(expiration.getFullYear() + 1); var vis = data.visitor; if (vis) { setVisitorId(vis); var storageForVisitorCookie = storageFactory.getStorageForData(STRINGS.VISITORCOOKIE); storageForVisitorCookie.set(STRINGS.VISITORCOOKIE, '"' + vis + '"', expiration.toUTCString()); } var prof = data.profile; if (prof) { setProfile(prof); var storageForProfileCookie = storageFactory.getStorageForData(STRINGS.PROFILECOOKIE); storageForProfileCookie.set(STRINGS.PROFILECOOKIE, '"' + prof + '"', expiration.toUTCString()); } }}; if (ScarabUtil.inspector && !config.doNotInspect) { ScarabUtil.inspector.trackObjectFunctions("Transaction", Transaction.prototype); ScarabUtil.inspector.trackObjectFunctions("EventHandlers", Transaction.prototype.eventHandlers); } var addFeature = function(featureObject) { features.push(featureObject); return featureObject; }; var getTrnName = function(id) { return "tx" + (typeof id === "undefined" ? transactionCounter : id); }; var getPageViewId = function() { return pageViewId; }; var setPageViewId = function(pvId) { pageViewId = pvId; return pvId; }; var generatePageViewId = function() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(2, 31)); }; var setMerchantId = function(mid) { merchantId = mid; }; var getMerchantId = function() { if (merchantId) { return merchantId; } var apiTag = document.getElementById("scarab-js-api"); if (apiTag && apiTag.src) { merchantId = apiTag.src.substring(apiTag.src.indexOf("/js/") + "/js/".length); if (merchantId.indexOf("/") !== -1) { merchantId = merchantId.substr(0, merchantId.indexOf("/")); } } return merchantId; }; var setSessionId = function(sid) { sessionId = sid; }; var setVisitorId = function(vid) { visitorId = vid; }; var setCustomerId = function(cid) { var tr = getCurrentTransaction(); if (!isValid(tr, "setCustomerId", cid, "customer ID", "string")) { return; } if (cid === "undefined" || cid === "null" || cid === "_") { tr.error({t:"INVALID_ARG", c:"setCustomerId", m:cid + " is not a valid customer ID"}); return; } customerId = cid; }; var setProfile = function(prof) { profile = prof; }; var setEmail = function(email) { var tr = getCurrentTransaction(); if (!isValid(tr, "setEmail", email, "email", "string")) { return; } if (email.indexOf("@") < 0) { tr.error({t:"INVALID_ARG", c:"setEmail", m:email + " is not a valid email address"}); return; } setEmailHash(ScarabUtil.hashEmail(email)); }; var setEmailHash = function(eh) { emailHash = eh; }; var setEmailSign = function(es) { emailSign = es; }; var setFields = function(fs) { fields = fs; }; var setTestMode = function(tm) { testMode = tm; }; var getTestMode = function() { return testMode; }; var setServerUrl = function(url) { serverUrl = url; }; var getServerUrl = function() { return serverUrl; }; var setForcedCohort = function(cohortId) { forcedCohort = cohortId; }; var getCurrentTransaction = function() { var trn = getTrnName(); if (trn in transactions) { return transactions[trn]; } return null; }; var clearOldFeatureListeners = function(feat) { for (var trkey in transactions) { var tr = transactions[trkey]; for (var fkey in tr.features) { var f = tr.features[fkey]; if (f !== feat && f.attachedListeners && f.containerId === feat.containerId) { if (f.parent && f.parent.addEventListener && f.elistener) { f.parent.removeEventListener("click", f.elistener); f.elistener = null; } else { if (f.parent && f.parent.attachEvent && f.elistener) { f.parent.detachEvent("click", f.elistener); f.elistener = null; } } } } } }; var start = function() { transactionCounter++; transactions[getTrnName()] = new Transaction(transactionCounter); }; var go = function(delayed, forceSend) { var trn = getTrnName(), ctr = transactions[trn], callbackName = "cb_" + (config.jsonpStem || "") + trn; Scarab[callbackName] = function(data) { transactions[trn].callback(data); }; ctr.callbackName = "Scarab." + callbackName; ctr.go(!delayed, forceSend); return ctr; }; var myFeature = function(featureName, elementId) { if (!document.getElementById(elementId)) { throw new ReferenceError('Error in Scarab.myFeature() call: element "' + elementId + '" does not exist.'); } var tr = getCurrentTransaction(), feature = addFeature(new Feature({f:featureName, containerId:elementId, attachedListeners:true, cust:1})); feature.attachListeners(); feature.setProducts(feature.findProducts()); tr.registerFeature(feature); }; var takeLastElementIfArray = function(param) { return ScarabUtil.isArray(param) ? param[param.length - 1] : param; }; var publicInterface = {defaultTemplate:'